Кононов И. Ф. МИРОВАЯ ГИБРИДНАЯ ВОЙНА ИЛИ БУРЖУАЗНЫЙ БЛАНКИЗМ? Эссе памяти концепта гибридной войны. Пусть покоится с миром
The article deals with the epistemological analysis of the concept «hybrid war». It is shown that its
distribution can be explained only by non-scientific factors, the analysis of which was carried out in this text.
Attention is drawn to the fact that the concept of «hybrid war» arose in the United States. Appearing as a
technical term, this phrase under J. Bush Jr. became an integral part of the rationale for the export of
democracy. The concept of modernization became the methodological basis for the transformation of the
term «hybrid war» into a concept. It is emphasized that in Ukraine the official ideologists have created a
metaphysics of a hybrid war, based in particular on a civilizational approach. It is emphasized that from the
point of view of this approach, the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine is an insoluble value conflict.
It has been shown that the epistemology of the «hybrid war» shipped to the interests of the ruling classes of
the consolidated West, Russia and Ukraine. It is proved that such wars generate a phenomenon that the
author suggests to call «bourgeois blanquism». The human resources of this phenomenon are drawn in the
middle of the precariat, especially its young representatives, devoid of real life prospects.
Картина: Вася Ложкин. Слава Буратине! Источник: http://www.kotosun.ru/painting/Pinocchio/01.html
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