Гарячі новини

В Белореченском неизвестные к двери квартиры прикрепили боевую гранату

Эксперты обнаружили боевую ручную гранату РГ-42 на дверях квартиры жителя п. Белореченский Лутугинского района. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба ГУ МЧС в Луганской области.

1 ноября в 09.35 на ПЗЧ СГПЧ-52 Лутугинского РО ГУ МЧС от дежурного Лутугинского РО УМВД Украины, по информации гр. Граборенко М.И., поступило сообщение об установке взрывного устройства на двери квартиры в 3-х этажном жилом доме по адресу: Луганская область, Лутугинский район, пгт. Белореченский, ул. Ленина, дом. 15, кв. 17.

При проведении проверки квартиры взрывотехническая группа НИЭКЦ при УМВД в Луганской области обнаружила боевую ручную гранату современного производства РГ-42, которая с помощью самодельной растяжки была прикреплена к двери квартиры.

В 12.12 проведено изъятие боеприпаса.

Напомним, вчера издание «Неделя» сообщало о том, что в дежурную часть милиции позвонили неизвестные и сообщили о минировании частного дома в пгт. Белореченский Лутугинского района.

«Частный дом расположен на центральной улице Белореченского — им. Ленина и принадлежит одному из руководителей шахты «Белореченская» - крупнейшего угольного предприятия области. Выехавшие на место саперы взрывного устройства не обнаружили», - сообщало издание. 


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Almost 150 years later Coach Factory Outlet the dig, the crew discovered a sandstone cellar wall a clue that something was Gucci Belt preserved below. When they dug at another location, it found a brick wall flush against the Coach Outlet Online sidewalk on Princess Anne Street, which runs through downtown. The dig revved from a sleepy Coach Online Outlet investigation into a dash to extract as much information as possible. The crew also discovered Coach Bags Outlet an 18th century well and latrines across the site, where livery stables once stood. The Coach Factory Online near perfect preservation of the site has helped to paint a vivid portrait of the Hermes Belt aftermath of the battle, when Ambrose Burnside, the general of the Union forces, tried to take the Coach Factory Outlet city from the Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, as Union forces forged toward Coach Outlet Store Online Richmond. When Burnside’s forces charged on Dec. 13, Lee’s forces were perched on the heights Coach Outlet Store above the city. They easily repelled the Union soldiers, inflicting terrible casualties. Coach Factory Stores Afterward, Union soldiers likely sheltered anywhere they could, including in the basement Coach Handbags Outlet Mr. Kiser’s crew discovered. There, the soldiers would have opened tins of food and warmed Coach Factory Store themselves around the fireplace. They broke out whiskey bottles, and smoked tobacco pipes. As Coach Factory Online they entered the basement, they were probably told to empty their rifles to prevent accidental Louis Vuitton Belt discharges, which resulted in a pile of ammunition on the floor. The next day, the Union generals Coach Factory Online ordered their troops to fall back across the Rappahannock River, and Joseph Hooker, a major Coach Outlet general, told officers to check houses for Union troops who had taken shelter. At some point, Coach Factory Outlet fire engulfed the building, which collapsed into the cellar, sealing in its contents. Coach Outlet Store The fire’s date is unknown, but the building probably burned soon after Union soldiers abandoned Coach Factory Online it, perhaps because of Confederate artillery. A photo taken the following spring suggests Coach Outlet Store Online that the building was gone. Almost 150 years later, Mr. Kiser, a burly man with a salt-and-pepper beard Coach Outlet Store Online and a ponytail, bounded around the site, suggesting last-minute spots for the crew to Coach Outlet Online investigate.